'Keeping in touch' is a very powerful phrase. Although it is simple and straight to the point, it is probably much more meaningful than recognized. As it relates to people, following up with an email, making a phone call or giving an invitation to someone is self explanatory. Making connections is one thing but to allow those connections to flourish into something greater is beautiful.
What about the connections we make with ourselves? How do we keep in touch? How do we establish adequate “me time”? In this day and age, the “information age”, being bombarded with things that quickly take our attention off our intended agenda is normal. Preventative measures to combat certain instances is mandatory. Meditating, yoga, or reading a good article like this one all reiterate the common goal.
As time passes and we grow into the beings we will inevitably become, our imagination and senses can be dulled by this journey called life. Oftentimes we end up letting go of our passions, dreams and true aspirations. And when this happens we've obviously lost touch. Constantly relating with ourselves will do more for us than we may ever know.
For starters the best way to do this is by making time instead of making excuses. Although possibly easier said than done, keeping in touch should be a daily routine just as significant as brushing our teeth. Listening to our favorite type of music regularly, committing to that hobby that we probably have let slip through our fingers, taking relaxing walks or even picking up on a new hobby that keeps us interested.
Staying in tune with nature should always provoke thought taking us back to the natural course of things. Taking moments to appreciate the beauty of the sun, moon and stars all around us. Soaking up the presence of trees, plants and animals will all correlate with what it is we naturally are keyed into.
Ultimately, keeping in touch with self is the best way to indulge in some good “soul searching”.